Case Studies

How AptPay Enabled the Seamless Payout Experience for Woodbine Racetrack Bettors Using Apt-Send.

AptPay Seamless Payouts for Woodbine Racetrack Bettors

In an increasingly digital landscape, Woodbine Racetrack identified an urgent need to modernize its payout system for patrons, targeting superior user experience and improved operational efficiency. 



In this case study, Woodbine Racetrack, a stalwart in horse racing, partnered with AptPay to introduce Apt-Send, revolutionizing their payout system to meet modern bettors’ demands for immediacy and convenience. The implementation of this near real-time digital payout solution resulted in over 30% adoption for winnings withdrawals, marked customer satisfaction, and operational efficiencies—signaling a shift towards digital transformation as a catalyst for enhanced customer engagement and retention in the gaming industry. 

Background: Woodbine Racetrack (Link), a cornerstone in the horse racing industry, serves a diverse clientele of sports betting enthusiasts, from the avid punters to casual attendees. 

Sports betting, specifically horse racing, has been a time-honored tradition that combines the thrill of the race with the strategic art of wagering. Over the years, the methods for placing and collecting bets have undergone significant transformations. 

In recent years, with the advent of digitalization across various industries, the late 2010s and early 2020s saw a paradigm shift in sports betting. Traditional betting shops and manual systems started giving way to online platforms and advanced digital solutions. 

While the global sports betting industry evolved, venues like Woodbine Racetrack, based in Canada, were at a crossroads, balancing tradition with the demands of modern bettors. 

Research had showed a direct correlation between customer satisfaction in betting environments and the ease of accessing winnings. In fact, studies from related industries suggested that modern consumers, conditioned by the immediacy of digital transactions in other sectors, were less tolerant of delays in accessing their funds. Furthermore, operational costs of outdated systems were mounting, and inefficiencies were becoming more pronounced. 

Woodbine Racetrack delved into meticulous industry research, drawing parallels from related sectors like online gambling and fintech innovations. By harnessing data and statistics, they identified patterns in user behavior and preferences. Recognizing the evident inclination towards immediate payouts in digital landscapes, they turned their attention to technological solutions. Apt-Send (link) emerged as a beacon, promising not just operational efficiency but an enhanced user experience that catered to the contemporary patron’s expectations. 


The Challenge: As a leading figure in the horse racing industry, Woodbine Racetrack recognized the need for a more efficient payout experience to meet the evolving expectations of its patrons. 

With the evolution of customer expectations and the rapid shift towards digital solutions, the racetrack’s primary betting platform, HPI Bet, began to show its limitations. 

The HPI Bet system offered two primary methods for disbursement: 

  1. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT): Although a digital method, it was lengthy and complex, often leaving patrons waiting for days before accessing their winnings. 
  1. HPI Bet Card: A physical card-based system where customers had to drive to an Off-Track Betting (OTB) location to withdraw their funds. This method was limited by geographical constraints and led to delays for bettors. 

Both these methods posed challenges such as: 

  • Extended waiting times (up to four days for EFT), 
  • Inconvenience for patrons who frequented the racetrack, 
  • Rising operational expenses for the establishment. 

Woodbine Racetrack, true to its commitment to prioritize customer experience, even absorbed some of these withdrawal-related costs.  

However, the need for a more efficient and streamlined solution became clear. 


Question: How can Woodbine Racetrack optimize and simplify the transactional experience for its patrons using advanced digital payment methods? 


The Solution: Understanding the critical nature of the payout experience, Woodbine Racetrack sought out innovative solutions in the market.  Their answer came in the form of a partnership with AptPay, a distinguished name in the realm of financial technology. 

The centerpiece of this collaboration was Apt-Send, which has carved a niche for itself with its near real-time payout capabilities. 

With the integration of Apt-Send, Woodbine Racetrack aimed to offer its patrons a premium, nearly instantaneous payout service, albeit with a minor surcharge. The strategy behind this was to gauge if the allure of speed and convenience would outweigh the concerns of minimal fees for their patrons. 

The benefits of real-time payouts are not merely theoretical. According to a study by the Thoroughbred Racing Protective Bureau (TRPB), the practical advantages such as amplified bettor satisfaction, heightened engagement and participation in betting activities, reinforced customer loyalty, the likelihood of faster reinvestment of winnings, and an increased commitment to the betting platform underscore the significant impact of offering immediate financial gratification to patrons. Players who experience real-time payouts tend to display higher levels of satisfaction, prolonged engagement, and unwavering loyalty. Such patrons are more inclined to reinvest their winnings, participate in more races, and remain committed to the platform for extended periods. 

With Apt-Send, Woodbine Racetrack did not just adopt a new payout method; they embraced a solution set to redefine the entire betting experience for their patrons. 


Implementation & Outcomes: 

  • Seamless Integration: Apt-Send was introduced with a soft launch, strategically timed with the Kentucky event’s high-volume day, before a full-scale implementation in September. 
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Post-integration, over 30% of all winnings’ withdrawals on HPI Bet transitioned to Apt-Send. This switch was remarkable, considering the wide demographic range of Woodbine Racetrack’s customers, from tech-savvy youth to older patrons. 
  • Positive Feedback Loop: Using Qualtrics for customer feedback, Woodbine noted an overwhelming appreciation for Apt-Send’s convenience and speed, with no negative feedback recorded. 
  • Operational Efficiency: Apt-Send not only improved customer satisfaction but also streamlined Woodbine’s financial processes, freeing up resources and ensuring prompt disbursements. 
Woodbine Racetrack Case Study -Metrics
Graph showing how real-time payments elevate casino metrics with improved statistics.

Taking these outcomes a step further, real-time payouts can also increase the handle and revenue for the tracks and the industry. According to a study by the Thoroughbred Racing Protective Bureau (TRPB), real-time payouts can generate an additional $1.2 billion (about $4 per person in the US) in annual handle and $120 million in annual revenue for North American racing. (BloodHorse Magazine)  

Conclusion: Woodbine Racetrack’s collaboration with AptPay to implement Apt-Send serves as a benchmark for businesses aiming to prioritize customer experience and operational efficiency. This digital transformation reinforces the notion that businesses willing to adapt and innovate can achieve superior outcomes in customer satisfaction and operational agility. 


What’s Next? 


Our work with Woodbine Racetrack resulted in a scalable, secure, and efficient transactional system that caters to modern-day needs. As industries pivot towards an all-encompassing digital ecosystem, such integrations will be paramount in ensuring business sustainability and client satisfaction. 


Industry: Horse Racing Betting/ Gaming 

Products Used: Apt-Send